"The Presset refuge only has 30 beds. In summer and winter: remember to book in advance!"

How to book an overnight stay at the Presset refuge?

Reservations for overnight stays for the Presset refuge can only be made online on the FFCAM website at the following address: https://refugedepresset.ffcam.fr/reservation.html

No reservations will be taken by phone or email.

How to cancel your reservation at the Presset refuge?

To cancel your reservation: nothing could be simpler! Go to the "Reservation" tab of the website of the FFCAM, log in to the account you created when you registered via the registration form (image below), then modify your reservation.

In the event of cancellation: a 72-hour period is granted to you in order to recover your reservation deposit. If you have exceeded the deadline: your deposit will be definitively lost.